3 TESLA MR imaging in adults with focal onset epilepsy

Abstract Objective The finding of cerebral epileptogenic lesions in magnetic resonance (MR) has demonstrated to be a relevant prognostic factor for potential surgical candidates. In a series of consecutive adults with focal onset epilepsy, we investigated the yield of 3 T MR imaging for detecting epileptogenic cerebral lesions. Materials and methods We prospectively recruited 161 adult patients with a diagnosis of focal epilepsy, all of whom underwent standardized MR imaging study performed with a 3 T magnet. Results Lesion-related epilepsy was observed in 48% of patients, and 12% of cryptogenic patients showed subtle or non-specific lesions related to the epileptogenic source. The most common findings were focal cortical dysplasia and vascular lesions, followed by mesial temporal sclerosis, tumors, and scars from previous cerebral injuries. Patients older than 72 years were more likely to have vascular epilepsy. Conclusions Diagnostic assessment using a standardized 3 T MR imaging protocol for focal-onset epilepsy detects lesions in nearly half the patients. Our results indicate that elders with focal epilepsy should be searched for vascular lesions.
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