Effect of Media on the Growth of Microanimals Isolated from Biological Wastewater Treatment Reactor

Protozoa and metazoa isolated from aeration tank of biological wastewater treatment facility were cultivated with hollow polyethylene media to test growth characteristic under presence of the media. The number of Ciliata Vorticella cupifera and Rotatoria Philodina erythrophthalma attached to the media was 166 N⋅cm-2 and 50 N⋅cm-2 respectively, resulting population density of these microanimals in cultivation 9-fold and 2.5-fold higher than those without media. With media, the number of these microanimals in liquid phase was also higher than those without media. Oligochaeta Aeolosoma hemprichi did not attach on the media. It was proved that application of the media could heighten area for attach and also create suitable environment for growth resulting population density of microanimal much higher.
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