CFC+: Improved dynamics and gravitational waveforms from relativistic core collapse simulations

Received date / Accepted date Abstract. Core collapse supernovae are a promising source of detectable gravitational waves. Most of the existing (multidimensional) numerical simulations of core collapse in general relativity have been done using approxima- tions of the Einstein field equations. As recently shown by Dimmelmeier et al. (2002a,b), one of the most inter- esting such approximation is the so-called conformal flatness condition (CFC) of Isenberg, Wilson and Mathews. Building on this previous work we present here new results from numerical simulations of relativistic rotational core collapse in axisymmetry, aiming at improving the dynamics and the gravitational waveforms. The computer code used for these simulations evolves the coupled system of metric and fluid equations using the 3+1 formalism, specialized to a new framework for the gravitational field equations which we call CFC+. In this approach we add new degrees of freedom to the original CFC equations, which extend them by terms of second post-Newtonian or- der. The resulting metric equations are still of elliptic type but the number of equations is significantly augmented in comparison to the original CFC approach. The hydrodynamics evolution and the CFC spacetime metric are calculated using the code developed by Dimmelmeier et al. (2002a), which has been conveniently extended to account for the additional CFC+ equations. The corrections for CFC+ are computed solving a system of elliptic linear equations. The new formalism is assessed with time evolutions of both rotating neutron stars in equilibrium and gravitational core collapse of rotating polytropes. Gravitational wave signals for a comprehensive sample of collapse models are extracted using either the quadrupole formula or directly from the metric. We discuss our results on the dynamics and the gravitational wave emission through a detailed comparison between CFC and CFC+ simulations. The main conclusion is that, for the neutron star spacetimes analyzed in the present work, no significant differences are found among CFC, CFC+, and full general relativity, which highlights the suitability of the former.
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