Verily: a web framework for creating more reasonable web applications

The complexity of web application construction is increasing at an astounding rate. Developing for the web typically crosses multiple application tiers in a variety of languages, which can result in disjoint code bases. This lack of standardization introduces new challenges for reasoning. In this paper we introduce Verily, a new web framework for Java that supports the development of verifiable web applications. Rather than requiring that programs be verified in separate a posteriori analysis, Verily supports construction via a series of Recipes, which are properties of an application that are enforced at compile time. In addition to introducing the Verily framework, we also present two Recipes: the Core Recipe, an application architecture for web applications designed to replace traditional server-side Model View Controller, and the Global Mutable State Recipe, which enables developers to use sessions within their applications without resorting to the use of unrestricted global mutable state. Demo Video:
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