Resgatar a meta-reflexão freiriana em cinco atos: Um marco perene para pensar dilemas do educador-investigador hodierno

In this essay-type text the objective is to share reflections, concerns and cross-cutting dilemmas about the main aspects that have emerged from a trajectory of educational research in the field of social and permanent adult education (ESPA). It presents a balance whose guiding thread is developed in five acts which constitute five convictions that, when elected, convene well-established coordinates of research in this sector and rescue, from literature, a critical theoretical and conceptual framework, whose epicenter are the various contributions of Freirean thought. It ends with a brief,albeit convinced, apology for the contribution that interdisciplinary and collaborative critical researchcan make, if it transcends the current paradigmatic, however instrumentalized, assumptions of lifelonglearning. In this condition, the “European Education Area” could be made an opportunity, withoutborders, to ensure a future with human dignity, which transcends our species to wisely educate, aboveall, for the value of life throughout the ecosystem.
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