New breed of dairy cattle Sibiryachka

Based on the use of the best domestic and world gene pool of the Holstein breed, a domestic highly productive breed of cattle with a genetic potential of more than 10 000 kg of milk per lactation adapted to the climatic conditions of Siberia was created. When breeding it, different reproductive crosses were used. As a result, a competitive livestock breed with a population of 26 770 heads was obtained. The productivity of 10 129 cows at the time of breed testing averaged 7,461 kg of milk with a fat content of 3.78% and a protein content of 3.16%. In terms of milk yield and protein content in milk, they surpass Black-and-White cows by 1,460 kg and 0.05%, respectively. However, the animals of the original breed have a higher fat content of milk, by 0.14%. The live weight of cows of Sibiryachka breed is 36 kg (6%) more than that of Black-and-White cows. Young animals of the new breed are intensively growing and developing. At all ages, their live weight is higher than Black-and-White peers. The average daily increase from birth to one year for heifers of the new breed was 770 g, for Black-and-White peers – 700 g. For a growing period of up to 18 months, daily growth averaged 706 and 673 g, respectively. The live weight of heifers at 18 months is 424 kg, Black-and-White – 405 kg, which allows insemination of heifers of Sibiryachka breed 24 days earlier. The average yield of calves over 3 years in the new breed was 82.7%, in the original one it was 3.7% less. The period of use of the cows of the created breed is 3.47 calving, which is 8% more compared to the Black-and-White breed.
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