Traditional Mexican Dish Is Associated With More Than One Skipper Species (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae, Megathiminae, Aegialini)

The white maguey worm, Aegiale hesperiaris (Walker, 1856), is a gastronomic delicacy in Mexico, with high economic value. Aegiale hesperiaris is generally associated with the plant Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dyck (Asparagales: Asparagaceae). However, lack of information about Ae. hesperiaris means that it is often confused with morphologically similar species such as Agathymus remingtoni D. Stallings & Thurner (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), a species generally found on Agave lechuguilla Torrey (Asparagales: Asparagaceae). Harvestings are made from all Agave L. (Asparagales: Asparagaceae) species on the assumption that all larvae will be Ae. hesperiaris. This has led to the belief that Ae. hesperiaris may have extended its diet breadth range and is actually infesting other Agave species. We collected larvae from A. lechuguilla and A. salmiana plants, in Hidalgo state, Mexico, and incubated them at 26°C, 50% RH and 12:12 light regime until adult emergence; adults were examined using morphological (male genitalia and wing patterns) and molecular techniques (partial COI sequences) to provide the data necessary for accurate species identification and allocation to host plant. Both species were successfully separated and identified as Ae. herperiaris feeding on A. salmiana and Ag. remingtoni feeding on A. lechuguilla, and a detailed description of the larval developmental stages and feeding behavior described. These results will facilitate the accurate identification of these two species in future studies.
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