Expression of the division-controlling gene ftsZ during growth and sporulation of the filamentous bacterium Streptomyces griseus

Abstract The branched, filamentous cells of Streptomyces form two different types of septum: those found infrequently in vegetative mycelia and those that form the boundaries of developing spores. To begin to understand the role of cell septation events in the Streptomyces life cycle, we have isolated the ftsZ locus from Streptomyces griseus , an organism that undergoes sporulation on solid surfaces and in liquid culture. The nucleotide sequence of the cloned DNA indicates that ftsZ in S. griseus lies within a region containing other genes likely to be involved in cell division and cell wall biogenesis. A gene (ORF1) showing significant similarity to ftsQ maps a short distance upstream from ftsZ , but there is no evidence for an ftsA homologue between ftsZ and ORF1. Transcription analysis suggests that ftsZ is expressed during both vegetative growth and sporulation. Immunoblots of soluble protein preparations from vegetative and sporulating mycelia indicate that FtsZ is present at similar levels during growth and differentiation. There appears to be only one ftsZ gene in S. griseus . We interpret these results to indicate that any temporal regulation of FtsZ that may be necessary for the enhanced synthesis of septa during sporulation of S. griseus is likely to occur predominantly at the level of activity rather than synthesis.
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