The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model Application Reviewed From Mathematical Reasoning Ability

Problem from this research was whether there is a significant effect of problem based learning model application reviewed from mathematical reasoning ability of grade VIII. Objective in this research was to find out the effect of problem based learning model application reviewed from mathematical reasoning ability of grade VIII. This research was experimental research. Population in this research was all of grade VIII students which consist of 2 classes with total 68 students. Sample in this research was taken with using purposive sampling technique. Sample in this research was class VIII.1 as control class which consisted of 33 students and class VIII.2 experimental class which consisted of 35 students. Instrument which used in this research was test. Research Outcomes which obtained were: 1) pretest result for experiment class obtained mean score was 71,43 and posttest obtained mean score 97,75; 2) pretest result for control class obtained mean score was 12,69 and posttest obtained mean score 81,25; 3) based on the result of hypothesis test with using t test obtained tcount-4.061 and obtained significant value 0,000<0,05 so that can be concluded that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Therefore, there was a significant effect of problem based learning model application reviewed from mathematical reasoning ability of grade VIII students.
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