[Research, education and environmental health related to pollution in the Gulf].

: At Italian-Russian International Conference on "Role of the University on ecological education and training", was illustrate six topics of 30 years of our scientific and didactic activity on Environmental Hygiene, here below summarized: I. At first time, sludges of biological treatment plants and domestic sewage were frequently utilized under bacteriological control as economical and ecological fertilizers of land and waters. At present such a custom is very rare owing the chemical pollution of sewage continuously increasing; but in some countries it is still in use, and is our opinion and experience that organic waste material must be reused as fertilizer of land, more and more devoid of humus and subject to erosion of winds and waters. Some treatment plants are shown, and related plankton pyramid's. II. Pilot sewage treatment plants are frequently used in our experiments and training, for study and control of the biological degradation of organic matter, for evaluate the disappearance rate of bacteria and viruses, for investigate the foric action and behaviour of chemical and radioactive pollutants, for quantify their accumulation in the sludges of sewage treatment plants, and so forth. Different pilot plants are used, located both in our laboratories both in industries; in nuclear power plant are tested at the same time 3 models of 3 different plants (biodiscs, activated sludges, biofiltering channels), working with prevalent algal growth. III. Many species of microorganisms (metazoa, protozoa, algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses and new species like Bdellovibrio) are present in aerobic sewage treatment plants (activated sludge, bacterial bed, biodiscs, lagooning, etc.); in anaerobic treatment (digesters) prevail only methane-producing bacteria. Some of these organisms are very abundant and very active as consumers of organic matter; others are characteristic indicators of well balanced purification or of bad purification owing acute variation of organic load or presence of toxic substances in sewage. Many strains are antibiotic-producing, or Vit. B12 producing; others explain a strong lytic activity or are neuraminidase-formers. Production of great amount of biofloculant polysaccharides useful on sedimentation of organic matter is enhanced by adding particular organic pollutants like distillery wastes and others. Sewage treatment plants are good means for scientific research of particular biota continuously available and for food microbiological training for students and technicians on pathogens present in treated and untreated sewage and in sludges. IV. Big fecal pollution of coastal waters is clearly dangerous because of bathing beaches, shellfish farming, bacterial aerosols, damage to marine biota, eutrofication, aesthetic problems.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
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