Caracterização física de substratos para plantas

Physical characterization of substrates in Brazil is still incipient and, only with the proper definition of reliable methods, substrates can be standard izedand recommendations can be provided for the producer. The objective was to physically characterize six types of substrates for plants and to compare the methods prescribed by Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply and by European Committee for Standardization. The six substrates evaluated were: granulated coconut fiber, two types of pinus bark, stabilized rice rusk and two mixtures (50:50, v:v), one of rice rusk with granulated coconut fiber and the second pinus bark with rice husk. The project, realized in 2009, has a completely randomized experimental design. The substrates showed differences as to the physical attributes studied: humidity, particle size distribution, bulk density, water retention capacity, particle density and porosity, characteristics with which one can infer on their use. For the physical parameters for each of the recommended methods are suggested: for the determination of the sample humidity, drying at 65 °C ± 5 °C; for particle size distribution, time of 10 minutes of stirring sieves; for the bulk density, the method of self-compaction; for the water retention capacity, the base of sample ring as reference and the adoption of the double saturation and the pre-tension of 50 hPa; for the determination of water retention curve of substrates, the tension points of 10, 30, 50 and 100 hPa; for the characterization of substrates according to its origin, the inclusion of particle density by the determination of the organic matter and ash.
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