Identification of Candida isolated from the cutaneous candidiasis by the combined use of confirmatory medium and slide agglutination with monofactorial antibodies

Forty strains ofCandida and one ofTorulopsis were isolated from patients with cutaneous candidiasis. The isolates comprised 29 strains ofC. albicans, 7 strains ofC. tropicalis, 2 strains ofC. guilliermondii, and one each ofC. parakrusei, C. lipolytica, andT. famata were identified by the ordinary method. Besides the common pathogenC. albicans, a few other species ofCandida may be etiologic organisms of cutaneous candidiasis. These strains were re-examined by combined use of sucrose agar slants and slide agglutination tests with IgG monofactorial antibodies as a rapid identification method, especially for determining serotypes ofC. albicans. The new method was useful and reliable for rapid identification ofC. albicans and related species. All strains ofC. albicans isolated from skin lesions proved to be standard serotypes ofC. albicans.
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