Investigation of short-lived isotopes by laser spectroscopy

Part 1 Production and handling of radioactive isotopes far off stability. Part 2 Laser spectroscopy methods for unstable isotopes: general remarks resonance cell experiments with short-lived isotopes - early experiments, laser-excited fluorescence in resonance cells, radioactive detection of optical pumping (RADOP) laser spectroscopy on collimated atomic beam - laser-excited fluorescence from an atom beam, laser-induced optical pumping (LIOP) of an atomic beam with Stern-Gerlach-Analyzer resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS) collinear laser spectroscopy - the standard method with fluorescence detection, variants of collinear laser spectroscopy, fluorescent atom coincident spectroscopy (FACS), detection by collisional ionization and charge exchange, collinear laser RADOP, measurement by spin rotation. Part 3 Structures in nuclear landscapes - an interpretation of results: isotope shift and nuclear deformation nuclear moments and asymmetric nuclei. Appendix - basics of isotope shift and hyperfine structure in atomic spectra: the isotope shift - the mass shift, the field shift atomic hyperfine structure.
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