Rationality, utilitarianism and values

Developments in the natural sciences, technology and economy have brought about enormous material and cultural consequences and have, at the same time, given these frameworks high status and central role in our culture. The models and the traditions of actions based on the 'narrow' models (i.e. 'technological imperative') are probably leading us into deep difficulties and even full catastrophe both culturally and ecologically (von Wright, 1987). Science hasn't fulfilled its promise ; the projects of the Enlightenment and Modernism have failed to deliver concerning the social and cultural development. These problems have also affected the planning, where there have been demands (in 80's escpecially) to give up the holistic ideals and models. My thesis, however, is that there is no realistic choise to rationality, science and holistic models. In planning we should not give up the rational criteria and scientific methods, which are the central power and the core of action, especially the instrumental approaches in economics and technology, in our culture.
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