The university performance: a result of total quality management

The service level wanted is influenced not only by consumer experience (e.g. the changes of social condition, incomes, position, and profession) but also by the milieu in which this lives and does its activity. The quality of make-performed service depends on not only the quality of communication between make-performer and consumer but also the way in which at last should defines what it wants and waits for the make-performance university. There are authors such as L. Berry, A. Parasuranam [9] which consider, that the consumers expectations develop on two different levels of expressions: an accepted level - reflects which is considered by consumer as sufficient and a desired level - the one on which the consumer hopes to receive it; its expectations do not by all means low, but the tolerance degree is increased in case of urgency, of necessity that tend to raise (temporarily) the accepted service level. The success/failure of a service make-performer of continuing education can be, at least partially, conferred ability/inability to control/lead the experience of consumer as a connections sum between "Personnel & Consumer & University's Marketing Milieu". Total Quality is a new concept which places both vectors "customer and quality" in the center of the organisation's concerns in this way acquiring a strategic dimension. In the organizations focused on marketing and quality, the customer becomes the manufacturer of satisfaction. Total Quality involves a specified mindset and conduct rules. Implementing Total Quality to the organization produces specific positive effects, such as: customers, organisation and their management system. Our work propose to present the benefits of the implementation of the Total Quality strategy to the education services, that may improve the competitivity of university institutions' on the educational services market.
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