Studies on the Fungi of the Forest Soils of Japan

1. The classification of the Aspergilli, isolated from tl different forest soils reported in the 1st report (On the fungus flora of the different forest soils.) was studied. 2. In the forest soils examined by us Aspergilli are not generally dominant in the fungus flora. 3. Among them, 3 species, A. niger VAN TIEGHEM, A. japonicus SAITO, and A. oryzae var. microsporus SAKAGUCHI et YAMADA f. sp. flavo-viridis were relatively widely distributed and they account for 1 to 4 % of the total no. of colonies in some forest soils. 4. 9 other species of Aspergilli were occasionally isolated. A. giganteus WEHMER, A. fumigates, F. FRES. f. sp. floeeosus and f. sp. veltinus, A. sydowi BAIN. et SART. A. sojae SAKAGUEHI et YAMADA f. sp. flavo-viridis, A. oryzae var. microsporus SAKAGUCHI et YAMADA f. sp. fuivescens, A. ustus BAIN., A. ochraceus var. microsporus TIRABOSHI and A. ochraceus var. microsporus TIRABOSHI f. Sp. floccosus.
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