Helping Students Find Their Way to Meaning: Meaning and Purpose in Education

Meaning in life is a cornerstone of wellbeing and flourishing. Emerging generations express intense interest, and even anxiety, about living and working in a meaningful way, yet contemporary society seems ill-equipped to provide them with constructive pathways to meaning. In this chapter, we place meaning in life theory and research in the context of positive education, and suggest a number of simple activities and tools, as well as a broader perspective on meaning and purpose, that both can be integrated into positive education programs and also may be used as the very basis for integrating such programs. Meaning in life captures our universal desire for life to be significant, coherent, and purposeful. By helping students begin and continue to take steps on pathways to meaning, positive educational institutions may profoundly assist the flourishing of students in their care and the communities in which those institutions and students thrive.
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