Российская система госзакупок: закон меняется, проблемы остаются

This article examines the pr oblems of the Russia n public procurement  system based on the analysis of ass essments from a mass  survey of both customers and supplie rs. It is shown that  despite a significant cha nge in legislation,  most of the problems  that were noted by res earchers and practit ioners 7–8 years ago  remain including price dumping, regu latory collisions an d low competition in  public bids. The paper an alyses the differenc es in assessments of  these problems with respect  to the respondents’  experience and other  factors. We also claim that on e of the reasons for  the lack of positive devel opments in the perce ption of procurement  regulation is that t he changes in the le gislation were based  on the interests of government agenc ies and did not take  into account the needs a nd opinions of immed iate participants of  procurement process. On this bas is we formulate prop osals for conducting  regular monitoring of opinions a nd assessments of or dinary customers and  suppliers.
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