Reserva Ecológica Arenillas: ¿un refugio de diversidad biológica o una isla de extinción?

Espinosa, C.I., Jara-Guerrero, A., Cisceros, R., Sotomayor, J.D., Escribano-Avila, G. 2016. Arenillas Ecological Reserve; A refuge of biodiversity or an island of extinction?. Ecosistemas 25(2): 5-12. Doi.: 10.7818/ECOS.2016.25-2.02 Habitat loss and subsequent fragmentation of natural habitats caused by anthropogenic activities constitute a major threat to biodiversity. A conservation strategy for habitat remnants is the creation of protected areas, although the size and connectivity of reserves may restrict the viability of populations. In this context, protected areas generate a "refuge effect", with an accumulation of species. However, long-term processes of species loss can be also triggered, generating widespread defaunation ("extinction islands").In this paper we discuss the role of Arenillas Ecological Reserve (REA) in wildlife conservation of the Tumbesian dry forest. Specifically, we are interested in understanding the role of the reserve in the maintenance of mastofauna. For this purpose, we used 14 camera traps that were installed between August 2015 and February 2016. A total of 762 records of medium and large mammals of 12 species were recorded. Species richness was consistent with respect to the reserve size. We found no association between the occurrence of species and body size of species in the REA, yet other reserves of Ecuador do show this association. The difference in probability of presence of megafauna between reserves allows us to understand the processes that might be happening and how they affect the richness and composition of the mastofauna. Initially, although the REA is isolated from other Ecuador reserves, there are connections with northern Peru, allowing the maintenance of species that would have otherwise disappeared.
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