Benzene degradation by Ralstonia pickettii PKO1 in the presence of the alternative substrate succinate

The regulation of benzene degradation by Ralstonia pickettii PKO1 in the presence of the alternative substrate succinate was investigated in batch and continuous culture. In batch culture, R. pickettii PKO1 achieved a maximum specific growth rate with benzene of 0.18 h−1, while succinate allowed much faster growth (μmax = 0.5 h−1). Under carbon excess conditions succinate repressed benzene consumption resulting in diauxic growth whereas under carbon-limited conditions in the chemostat both substrates were used simultaneously. Moreover, the effect of succinate on the adaptation towards growth with benzene was investigated in carbon-limited continuous culture at a dilution rate of 0.1 h−1 by changing the inflowing carbon substrate from succinate to different mixtures of benzene and succinate. The adaptation process towards utilisation of benzene was rather complex. Three to seven hours after the medium shift biomass production from benzene started. Higher proportions of succinate in the mixture had a positive effect on both the onset of biomass production and on the time required for induction of benzene utilisation. Strikingly, after the initial increase in biomass and benzene-catabolising activities, the culture collapsed regularly and wash-out of biomass was observed. After a transient phase of low biomass concentrations growth on benzene resumed so that finally rather stable and high biomass concentrations were reached. The decrease in biomass and degradative activities cannot be explained so far, but the possibilities of either intoxication of the cells by benzene itself, or of inhibition by degradation intermediates were ruled out.
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