Естественное возобновление сосны обыкновенной в условиях Восточного Полесья Украины

An important condition to redirect the forestry in Ukraine on environmental ecology basis is the maximum usage of natural regeneration of wood species for reforestation. The article presents the results of research on the state of natural regeneration of Scots pine, oak and other species in the forests of the Eastern Ukraine Polissia. The optimal conditions, in which you can depend on the successful natural regeneration, are determined. The effect of measures to promote natural regeneration on the intensity of the appearance of self-sown pine is studied. It is established, that the occurrence of intense natural regeneration of Scots pine in the East Polissia forests is possible in wet and transitional to fresh subor forest conditions. Satisfactory renewal in good years is possible also in fresh and subor sudubrava. Significantly increase the intensity of the appearance of self-sown pine can be through soil mineralization. The amount of 1-2-year-old plants can reach to 150 175 thousand/ha. The amount of self-sown pine on silvicultural areas with age decreases sharply due to the impact on it of weeds and other negative factors. For the conservation increasing of plants it is necessary to handle them carefully.
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