Aplikace metod virtuální antropologie při určování pohlaví u fragmentárních kosterních nálezů

Restaurace a rekonstrukce fragmentarnich kosternich nalezů v digitalnim prostředi pocitace snižuje miru poskozeni nebo naruseni původni podstaty nalezu oproti tradicnim metodam rekonstrukce. Cilem tohoto přispěvku je optimalizovat metodiku virtualni anatomicke restaurace fragmentarnich lebek do celistveho trojrozměrneho digitalniho modelu a prozkoumat vliv virtualnich postupů na urceni pohlavi na lebce. Prostřednictvim 3D laseroveho skeneru bylo do pocitace převedeno 268 zlomků lidských lebek. Pro urceni pohlavi na vytvořených 3D modelech byly zvoleny tradicni morfoskopicke metody a osteometricke metody s pocitacovou podporou. Testovany byly programy FORDISC 3.0, 3D-ID a COLIPR 1.0. Spolehlivost pohlavni diagnozy na lebce byla hodnocena ve vztahu k urceni pohlavi podle panve. Bylo zjistěno, že morfoskopicke metody vykazuji vyssi shodu s urcenim pohlavi na panvi než osteometricke metody. Tento rozdil je patrnějsi u lebek restaurovaných, kde je spolehlivost urceni pohlavi snižovana nejenom využitim populacně specifických metod, ale take nekompletnosti zachovaleho materialu a mirou poskozeni původniho nalezu.In contrast to traditional techniques, the restoration and reconstruction of fragmented skeletal remains in a digital environment is considered far less destructive and invasive to the original skeletal remains. The present study aimed to outline an optimized approach to the virtual anatomical restoration of fragmented human skulls. In addition, it aimed to examine the applicability of currently available sex determination methods in virtually restored skulls. The studied sample consisted of 268 cranial fragments which were digitized using a 3D Next Engine laser scanner and restored with Amira software functionalities. Of the various sex determination methods, traditional visual assessment and computer-aided osteometric techniques performed by the FORDISC 3.0, 3D-ID 1.0, and COLIPR 1.0 programs were tested. When confronted with sex diagnoses based on pelvic bones, the results showed that sex diagnoses from virtual skulls were more reliable if based on visual assessment rather than on computer-aided osteometric approaches, where the population-specificity of applied algorithms combined with the incompleteness and poorer preservation of restored skulls affected the final reliability rates.
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