Quarter-wise prevalence of subclinical mastitis in crossbred cows

The present study was designed to determine the quarter-wise and animal-wise prevalence of sub-clinical mastitis in crossbred Karan Fries (Holstein x Tharparker) lactating cows. For this purpose, the udders of 73 cows were screened by modified California Mastitis Test (mCMT) and EC measurements. The efficiency of detection of mastitis and non-mastitis by EC measurements was 86% and 93% respectively. Animal-wise prevalence was found 41%, while quarter-wise prevalence was 31.16%. Among mastitic quarters, prevalence of single quarter infection, two quarter infection, three quarter infection and all four quarter infection per animal, was 0.00, 26.66, 43.33 and 30.00%, respectively. Out of all quarters, maximum prevalence was found in right hind quarters (29.67%) followed by left hind (26.37%), left fore (23.07%) and right fore (20.87%).The same pattern was observed during EC measurements. Though EC showed similarity with CMT in the detection of subclinical mastitis, the research needs to be carried out on more number of animals.
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