11 Eylül, Bölünen Dünya, Huntington ve Çatısma

Ozet: 11 Eylul sadece ABD’de onemli bazi sonuclar ortaya cikarmakla kalmadi, dunyayi adeta Hiristiyan Bati ile Musluman Dogu arsinda ikiye boldu. Medeniyetler Catismasi tezi ise bu sureci pekistiren bir rol oynayarak adeta bu minval uzere gelisen bir takim catismalarin etiketi haline geldi/getirildi. Bu calismada soz konusu gelismeler irdelenirken, ozellikle 11 Eylul vesile edilerek dunyaya verilmek istenen yeni nizamatin bizi nereye surukledigi konusunda bazi sonuclar ortaya konulmaya calisilacaktir. Bu baglamda, 11 Eylulu yaratan kosullar, amaclar ve sonuclar uzerinde durulacak, Turkiye’nin de icinde yer aldigi yeni yonelimler irdelenecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: 11 Eylul, medeniyetler catismasi, yeni dunya duzeni ve Ortadogu, asimetrik savas, kuresel tedirginlik September 11, Divided World, Huntington and Conflict Abstract: September 11 not only produced some outcomes for the USA, but also divided the world into two parts as Christian West and Muslim East. The thesis of the conflict of civilizations has played a role in this process since this thesis was atributed the label for some similar conflicts. In this study, the goal is to uncover the real intent of new world order after September 11 and to put forward some ideas. Accordingly, the conditions that caused September 11, goals and consequences are discussed and new trends influencing Turkey are examined. Keywords: September 11, conflict of civilizations, new world order and Middle East, asymetrical war, global anxiety
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