Proposal for Revised Clinical and ~lectro~nce~halo ~ra~hic Classification of Epileptic Seizures From the Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy*

In 1969, the International League Against Merlis, Dr. D. David Daly of Dallas, Dr. Epilepsy published a scheme for classifica- Dieter Janz of Berlin, Dr. J. Kiftin Penry of tion of epileptic seizures. Professor H. Bethesda, Dr. Carlo Alberto Tassinari of Gastaut, then Secretary-General of ILAE Marseille. In addition, Dr. Rudolph Dreyer and a member of the Commission on Clas- of Bethel. Dr. Antonio V. Escueta of Los sification, related the history of the work Angeles, Dr. K. F. Masuhr of Berlin, Dr. which represents a milestone in efforts at Richard H. Mattson of New Haven, Dr. classifying epileptic seizures and has led to Roger J. Porter of Bethesda. Dr. Dieter world-wide adoption (Gastaut, 1970). Schmidt of Berlin, and Dr. Gregory 0. Since the publication of the 1969 classifi- Walsh of Los Angeles attended as particication, objective and sophisticated methods pants and discussants in this workshop. for studying epileptic seizures have become In 1977, a workshop on generalized seicommonplace. These methods include zures was held in Berlin. The above Comvideo display of epileptic seizures on mag- mission members were present with the adnetic tape, the simultaneous recording of dition of Dr. Toyoji Wada of Shizuoka and the electroencephalogram using hard-wired invited participants who presented vidrecording techniques and radiotelemetry eotape data, including Dr. A. Cirignotta of with split screen display and instant replay Bologna, Dr. Peter Kellaway of Houston, capability. Dr. Cesare Lombroso of Boston, Dr. K. F. Since 1975, two further Commissions on Masuhr of Berlin, and Dr. D. Stefan of Classification and Terminology of the In- Bonn. The results of these workshops comternational League Against Epilepsy have prise the major portions of the version of convened in order to continue to update, the International Classification of Epileptic amend, and improve the classification in Seizures herewith proposed.
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