Cyber sex - a newly emerging obsession

Cybersex is a virtual sex encounter in which two or more persons connected remotely via computer network send each other sexually explicit messages describing a sexual experience. Cybersex is also popularly being called as cyborg. Cybersex sometimes includes real life masturbation. Present era is facing negative aspects of youth online behaviour such as addiction as well as online risks such as harassment cyber bullying and sexual solicitation. Anonymity of internet meetings renders its sites ideal for individuals and groups whose sexual interests may require discretion or secrecy. Cybersex is one of the greatest escalators of sexual addiction. Sex addiction is a bio-social illness which occurs due to intimacy disorder, in disengaged families, rigid families and family with negative attitude towards sex. People in such families and conditions with access to internet end up as preys to cybersex. Compulsive cybersex has become a significant problem for many men and women who have fallen prey to the accessibility, affordability and anonymity of online sexual behaviours.
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