Implementasi Sistem Informasi Pasar Kerja Online (Ipk Online) Di Dinas Sosial Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi (Dinsosnakertrans) Kabupaten Brebes Periode 2014-2015

Research about Implementation of Online Labor Market Information System at Social Labor and Transmigration Agency of Brebes District started from ineffectiveness of how does the system implemented in order to give a employment service. Researcher will observe the phenomenon using six indicator based on model from Van Meter and Van Horn that is standard and objectives of policy, supported resources, organizational communications, economic social and political conditions, acceptance of implementers and implementers diposition. Researcher use descriptive qualitative method with expectation to be able to observe phenomenon experienced by participant accurately and to earn more understanding about implementation of Online Labor Market Information System at Sosial Labor and Transmigration Agency of Brebes District. As result of this research, there are some problems from six indicators that  is used to observe implementation of Online Lambor Market Information System. The problems are standard and objectives of policy, supprted resources, social and economic conditions and implementers disposition. As for the effort to solve the problems has not been able to resolve it. Researcher concludes that Implementation of Online Labor Market Information System at Social Labor and Transmigration of Brebes District has not been effective if related with the indicators. Researchers suggestions are the need of strong commitment from the implementers to understand and to monitor the Implementation of Online Labor Market System.
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