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From JANET to SuperJANET

Abstract JANET is a national backbone network which provides data communications services for the UK Higher Education and Research Community. The network is operated under the authority of the Secretary of State at the Department of Education and Science. Funding is provided by a number of agencies among which the Computer Board takes lead responsibility. The aim of the network is to provide a unified and pervasive communications infrastructure capable of supporting a wide range of academic and research activities. The principle of open communications based on non-proprietary standards has been the foundation of the network since its inception. The network currently serves nearly 200 sites, one third of which are connected at 64 kbps. The JANET MK II programme is a performance upgrade with the objective of providing network access at 2 Mbps for more than 50 sites, and part of this upgrade is already in service. The longer term plans envisage the development of a SuperJANET with a major increase in the both the scope of the network and its performance. SuperJANET will be a broadband network capable of supporting new styles of communication such as multi-media and video and offering new opportunities for research and education. SuperJANET will also offer a testbed to support IT research activities and the close association between research and service networks will accelerate the development of new network services based on the results of UK and European IT Research.
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