Каталитическое влияние железосодержащих микросфер летучих зол на процесс окисления дизельного топлива в виброожиженном и псевдоожиженном слоях инертного материала

Oxidation of diesel fuel was studied using vibro-liquefied and fluidized beds of disperse bank sand in the presence of iron-containing microspheres isolated from flue ash of coal-fired boilers: ferrospheres and cenospheres activated with iron oxide. The obtained results are compared to the available data on oxidation of diesel fuel using microspheres of commercial catalysts for complete oxidation of organic compounds. Deeper oxidation of diesel fuel was observed at 500–600 °C in the presence of ferrospheres and cenospheres bearing iron oxide than in the vibro-liquefied bed of the inert material (bank sand). The most complete oxidation (84.3 %) was observed with ferrospheres at 700 °C. The ferrospheres were used for oxidation of diesel fuel in the fluidized bed of the inert material and they seemed less active under these conditions than the commercial catalysts based on СuСr 2 О 4 /Аl 2 О 3 and disperse Fe 2 O 3 . Nevertheless, the oxidation rate as high as 97.8 % can be achieved in the presence of ferrospheres by arranging jet fire above the bed. If so, the flame length decreases by half in comparison to the flame above the bed of the inert material. These observations, as well as a decrease in the proportion of CO and unburned carbon in combustion products indicate the catalytic activity of ferrospheres fed to the flame.
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