CNS control of the circadian adrenocortical rhythm

Abstract The effects of various CNS impairments on the circadian rhythm of plasma ACTH and Corticosterone (C) were studied in individual cannulated female Sprague-Dawley rats. Pinealectomy had no effect whatever the light perception (intact or blinded rats). Bilateral ablation of paraventricular nuclei did not obliterate the hormonal rhythms, although the rhythms' amplitude were markedly depressed. On the other hand, destruction of suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) or systemic blockade of the serotoninergic (5-HT) system by pCPA blocked ACTH rhythm at baseline levels, although circadian or ultradian fluctuations with normal amplitudes persisted for C. Similar effect was observed in several blinded rats with raphe lesions suppressing 5-HT innervation of SCN. Daily 5-HTP injections, if given 4 h after dawn restored normal ACTH rhythm. The respective role of related structures in the rhythms' control will be discussed.
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