The Creation of the Slaveno-Serbski Literary Language.

More than thirty years have passed since the publication of Boris Unbegaun's monograph, Les Debuts de la Langue Litteraire chez les Serbes, the first comprehensive study dealing with the development of the Serbo-Croatian literary language prior to the monumental literary reforms of the standard language initiated by Vuk Stefano vic Karadzic and his followers during the first half of the 19th century.1 Unfortunately, however, until quite recently, scholars interested in the historical development of Serbo-Croatian have focused their atten? tion exclusively on the events and personalities connected with the above-mentioned reforms of the literary language, while neglecting the period immediately preceding it, the 18th century. Except for the studies of Aleksandar Mladenovic about the works of Dositej Obradovic, Zaharija Orfelin and Jovan Rajic,2 little has been done in this important field. A study such as that of Mladenovic is useful as a yardstick, by
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