Penile Fracture Following Husband Abuse: A Case Report

The case of a 35-year-old fisherman who presented in a rural clinic with a sudden onset of painful penile swelling affecting the left lateral side with associated rapid detumescence is reported. He had tried to coerce his wife to a sexual intercourse when she forcefully bent his penis. He was initially managed with cold applications, oral diclofenac potassium, chymoral, and splinting of the penis and then referred to the urological services of a teaching hospital. He defaulted only to re-present about 2 weeks later with some improvement in his symptoms. Further advice to see the urologist was also rebuffed on financial grounds. When he reported about 1 month later, he was assessed to have grade 3 erectile dysfunction. In conclusion, penile fracture is a rare condition which follows unphysiological bending of the tumescent penis during sexual intercourse or masturbation. That following husband abuse is rarer. The sequelae can be devastating.
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