O Imposto sobre Operacoes Relativas a Circulacao de Mercadorias e sobre Prestacao de Servicos de Transporte Interestadual, Intermunicipal e de Comunicacao (ICMS), e um dos que mais onera as empresas brasileiras. O acumulo de saldo credor deste imposto constitui um problema tributario, pois nem sempre conseguem compensar com os debitos de suas operacoes, pois se trata de um imposto Estadual. Neste contexto, o estudo objetivou investigar qual e a melhor forma de uma industria de fertilizantes se utilizar do seu saldo credor do ICMS. Em termos metodologicos, o estudo caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa do problema. O levantamento dos dados deu-se por meio de documentos disponibilizado pela empresa e a legislacao vigente, onde foram levantados os creditos de ICMS dos Estados referente saldo em 2015, que a empresa atual. Apos, verificado as opcoes que a legislacao preve e efetuados os calculos, analises e projecoes necessarias, verificou-se que a opcao menos onerosa e vender os creditos de ICMS para terceiros.Palavras-Chave: Saldo Credor. ICMS. Credito acumulado. Planejamento tributario. TAX PLANNING: ICMS CREDIT BALANCE IN COMPANIESAbstract: The tax on operations related to the circulation of goods and on the provision of interstate, intermunicipal and communication services (ICMS) is one of the most burdensome Brazillian companies. The accumulation of credit balance of this duty constitutes a tax problem, since not everytime they compensatte with the debts of its operations, because its a state tax. In this contexto, the study aimed to investigate what would be the best way of a fertilizer industry use its ICMS credit balance. The study is marked as a descriptive research with qualitative approach of the situation. The survey of data took place through documents made available by the company and the current legislation where the ICMS credits of the states were gathered, refering to the balance in 2015, generated by the company. After verifying the options predicted by the legislation and made the necessary calculations, analysis and projections, it was found that the least costly option is to sell ICMS credits to third parties.Keywords: Credit balance. ICMS. Tax Planning.
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