Relative Feeding Value of Rhizoma Perennial Peanut Hay as a Supplement to Bahiagrass Hay for Wintering Cows and Heifers

Abstract Rhizoma perennial peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth.) hay was evaluated as a replacement for purchased concentrate supplement given to cows and heifers being wintered on residual bahiagrass (Paspalumnotatum Fiugge) pasture and bahiagrass hay in central Florida. Data were collected over 2 yr from 237 Hereford and 177 Senepol cows and first-calf heifers. Treatments were .9 kg · head - 1  · d - 1 of a commercially available 20% CP supplement (CUBE) or 2.3 kg · head - 1  · d - 1 of perennial peanut hay (PNUT). Supplements were fed for 16 wk from January through April each year. Response variables evaluated were cow and heifer body weight (BW) change, body condition score (CS) change, pregnancy rate, plasma urea nitrogen concentration (PUN), calf birth weight (CBW), and adjusted 205-d calf weaning weight (AWW). Both years, AWW was higher ( P P P P
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