Zasoby wód podziemnych systemu wodonośnego wschodniej części Pojezierza Wielkopolskiego

THE GROUNDWATER RESOURCES OF HYDROGEOLOGICAL SYSTEM IN THE EASTERN WIELKOPOLSKA LAKE REGION Abstract. The results of hydrogeological research of the groundwater flow system of the eastern Wielkopolska Lake Region, based on the documentation of the Środa–Gniezno highland are presented. The disposable resources for this region were documented in 2010 y. The area of current research is about 5739 km 2 . In this region the geological conditions of the Quaternary, the Paleogene and top part of the Mesozoic deposits were characterized until 200 m depth. The Quaternary deposits are divided into 4 aquifers: shallow groundwater aquifer, upper intertill aquifer, middle intertill aquifer and lower intertill aquifer (tab.1). The shallow groundwater aquifer (Torun–Eberswalde Ice-Marginal Valley and Warsaw–Berlin Ice-Marginal Valley) and lower intertill aquifer (Wielkopolska Buried Valley) are the main exploitation and the most wide-spread aquifers in this area. As far as the Paleogene-Neogene is concerned there are 2 aquifers: Miocene and Oligocene formation. The most important is Miocene aquifer, for its region – wide range. Although in the south-eastern part of the Wielkopolska region the most significant groundwater capture takes place in the Cretaceous aquifer. The groundwater renewal of the Quaternary aquifers calculated during modeling investigation came to 5,45 m 3 /h·km 2 and for Tertiary-Mesozoic aquifers was equal to 0,79 m 3 /h·km 2 , compared to disposable resources rate close to 2,69 m 3 /h·km 2 for Quaternary aquifers and to 0,63 m 3 /h·km 2 for Tertiary–Mesozoic stage (tab. 2). The largest groundwater capture amounts to 65% disposable resources and takes place in the Miocene formation.
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