Improvements of the low‐energy performance of a micro‐focus x‐ray source for XRF analysis with the SEM

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a valuable completion of the analytical capabilities of SEMs. Small and compact micro-focus x-ray sources are mounted to the microscope chamber, and the x-ray spectra are monitored with conventional EDS systems. Up to now the x-ray tubes used for the micro-focus x-ray sources are equipped with beryllium windows about 100 μm thick. The poly-capillary x-ray lenses have their transmission maximum at photon energies around 10 keV. It drops down in both low- and high-energy ranges. Hence, L-radiation from an Mo or Rh target will be strongly attenuated, and the excitation of fluorescence in the soft x-ray range becomes very ineffective. A new micro-focus x-ray source was developed. It is characterised by a lower self-absorption in the tube target, thin beryllium windows and an x-ray optics having a large distance between its foci and the maximum of transmission at about 5 keV. Thus K line fluorescence of light elements becomes effectively excited by the L-radiation from Mo or Rh tube targets. The detection limit for sodium oxide in glass was found to be below 1 mass%.
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