Este artigo, sobre as praticas da orientacao curricular humanista recorre a Historia Nova e a Teoria Critica do Curriculo, como bases teoricometodologicas na analise aqui apresentada. O texto reafirma compreensoes que as praticas curriculares sofrem influencias de condicionantes sociais e culturais eculiares de cada epoca, donde decorrem os diferentes conceitos e concepcoes pedagogicas. A orientacao humanista, originaria do humanismo classico, durante milenios foi referencia dos debates e elaboracoes em materia educativa, evoluindo, na modernidade, ao se agregar ao pensamento humanista/renascentista, o que lhe permitiu chegar aos nossos dias ao se associar, posteriormente, ao pensamento cientifico inerente a modernidade industrial. Parte dos seus saberes e praticas representam concepcoes que conseguiram se manter, apesar das mudancas que sao visiveis: sao exemplos conceitos tais como “classes de alunos”, “materias escolares”, "disciplina”, “colegios” e “graus de ensino”. De modo geral, e possivel afirmar que o legado humanista foi modelo para a organizacao do ensino primario do seculo XIX e encontra-se presente ate hoje no ambiente escolar. Palavras-chave: Curriculo. Orientacao humanista. Historia da escola primaria. ABSTRACT This article, one about the practice of the humanist curricular orientation, uses the New History and the Critical Theory of Curriculum as theoretical and methodological basis in the analysis here presented. The article reaffirms comprehensions that the curricular practice are under the influence of social and cultural elements that are peculiar to each time, creating different pedagogical concepts and notions. The humanist orientation, corne from the classic humanism, for millenniums was the reference in debates and elaborations about education, evolving, during modernity, by joining the Humanist and Renaissance train of thought, which allowed it to come to our days by joining the scientific thoughts inherent to the industrial modernity. A part of your knowledge and practice represent conceptions that could be held together, even through the visible changes, such as: “class of students”, “scholar subjects”, “discipline”, “schools” and “teaching levels”. In a whole, it’s possible to affirm that the humanist legacy was a model to the organization for the elementary teaching of the XIX century and it’s present nowadays in the scholar environment. Keywords: Curriculum. Humanistic orientation. Elementary school.
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