The role of INTA's international accreditation in supporting Spanish industrial metrology: past, present and future

The need for an accredited metrological infrastructure arose in the Institute towards the end of the Sixties, due to its activities in the international forum, and in particular to those of a contractual nature requiring continuous audits. Since 1972, the year in which INTA obtained the accreditation of the British Calibration Service (BCS) (now UKAS), up to the current metrological situation, the role of INTA in supporting Spanish industrial metrology has evolved considerably. The UKAS accreditation enabled INTA to support those national industries who set up quality assurance systems, mainly in the aeronautical, energy and petrochemical sectors. The Institute also acted as the Reference Laboratory for the Industrial Calibration System (SCI) in five of the ten measurement areas accredited. The contribution of the Institute's Area of Metrology and Calibration to industry is described from a historical point of view, defining its present situation with respect to the national metrological infrastructure and the future possibilities.
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