Red de coautorías sobre fósiles colombianos

Analyze the published literature on fossils found in Colombia to measure the degree of collaboration and co-authorship networks. We found 1412 documents published by 1411 authors, of which 68% were published as articles, they also found that 60% of this literature has been disseminated in English. It was found that 47% (668 documents) were published collaboratively, while 53% (744 documents) were published individually. The collaboration began in the 1980s. A complete co-authorship network was found by three components that are represented by Bermudez, Hermann Dario; Honjo, S.; and Doubinger, Jeanne. The authors who have the highest centrality value or the highest recognition as a child can also be identified: Jaramillo Munoz, Carlos Alberto; Cadena Rueda, Edwin Alberto; Guerrero Diaz, Javier; and Villarroel, Carlos.
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