Uj épület: új és megújult szolgáltatások: Hagyományos és nem hagyományos informatikai szolgáltatások a szegedi Egyetemi Könyvtárban - és ami mögöttük van

The Library of the University of Szeged has been given a splendid opportunity: a newly constructed, up-to-date building with modern library spaces and, in addition, adequate infrastructure adapted to the building. The number of client computers has multiplied, the capacity of servers has been substantially extended, the transmission capacity of the network connection has grown - all this meant a challenge for the library. On the one hand, it provided an opportunity to substantially transform and enhance library services, and, in addition, to provide - as a result of technological development - new, comfortable services to all those affiliated with the University of Szeged. On the other hand, it compelled librarians to seek or elaborate tools for meeting the increasing demand. The library staff at the University of Szeged made their best to use these exceptional opportunities, in a way to develop the level of automation by harmonising needs and possibilities.
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