(Sub)-Picosecond Spectral Evolution of Fluorescence in Photoactive Proteins Studied with a Synchroscan Streak Camera System

Abstract The spectral evolution of three photoactive proteins has been investigated by measuring the fluorescence with good temporal and wavelength resolution and a high signal-to-noise ratio. Upon excitation at 400 nm wild-type (wt) PYP both at neutral pH and in the low-pH blueshifted pBdark state exhibited a strong quenching of the fluorescence, the major part of which could be described by lifetimes of about 1.7 and 7.7 ps. The remaining fluorescence decay occurred multiexponentially with lifetimes between 30 and 125 ps. Additionally, in wtPYP at neutral pH, a dynamic Stokes shift was found to occur with a time constant of about 0.25 ps. In a PYP preparation that was reconstituted with the chromophore 7-hydroxy-coumarin-3- carboxylic acid rather than the native coumaric acid, and which is therefore not capable of performing the cis-trans-isomerization that initiates the photocycle in wtPYP, the fluorescence was found to decay multiexponentially with lifetimes of 51 ps, 0.33 and 3.77 ns. Additionally, d...
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