Characteristics of voluntary participants versus nonparticipants in a psychoeducation program for euthymic patients with bipolar disorder.

We aimed to assess the participation rate and predictive factors of participation in psychoeducation programs for euthymic outpatients with bipolar disorder. Ninety-five consecutive euthymic outpatients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium were recruited in a university department of psychiatry. The participants and nonparticipants in a program of psychoeducation were compared for sociodemographic, clinical, and psychological characteristics. According to univariate statistics, a younger age, a higher education level, a shorter duration of illness, a better initial knowledge about lithium, and a less external locus of control were predictive of participation in the program. A binary logistic regression model showed that an external locus of control was an independent predictor of participation. Among bipolar patients, the older, the less educated, those who have less knowledge about their treatment, and those with a more external locus of control were less likely to participate in hospital-based psychoeducation programs.
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