Cuina i alimentació a la terrisseria romana del Collet Est (Calonge-Sant Antoni, Catalunya)

catalaA pocs centenars de metres de la vil·la romana del Collet es va construir una terrisseria a finals del segle I a.C. que fou destinada a produir, principalment, amfores per contenir el vi que es produia en el fundus de l’esmentada vil·la. En aquest centre terrisser, durant el segle I a.C., es varen habilitar dos espais, que per les seves caracteristiques estructurals i pels objectes que s’hi varen localitzar durant la seva excavacio es van poder identificar com una cuina i un rebost destinats a cobrir les necessitats culinaries de les persones que treballaven en aquell indret EnglishJust a few hundred meters away from the Roman villa of Collet, towards the end of the 1st century AC, a pottery site was built for mainly producing amphoras to keep the wine that was produced in the fundus of the villa. During the 1st century AC, two spaces were made in this pottery centre, which could be identified, based on their structure and the objects that were found during the excavation, as a kitchen and a pantry for meeting the culinary needs of the people working in the place.
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