[The duct ectasia syndrome--an overlooked disease entity].

: Mammary duct ectasia is a benign disease of the mammary gland, characterized by a frequently long history of tumour formation, nipple discharge, nipple retraction and mastalgia. Non-puerperal mammary abscess, which may be the presenting symptom, is also part of the syndrome. Diagnosis can often be made on the basis of the history and the clinical findings of nipple discharge, nipple retraction, tenderness on palpation, fistula formation and subareolar tumour/abscess formation. Mammography may guide diagnosis. Breast cancer is the most important differential diagnosis. If the clinical picture resembles cancer, it is necessary to perform diagnostic biopsy. Causal therapy of mammary duct ectasia is not available. Until now excision of the central mammary tissue and larger ducts has been used as treatment for the clinical manifestations of abscess, fistula and nipple discharge, apparently with good results.
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