Small Object Detection Algorithm Based on Feature Pyramid-Enhanced Fusion SSD

In order to improve the detection rate of the traditional single-shot multibox detection algorithm in small object detection, a feature-enhanced fusion SSD object detection algorithm based on the pyramid network is proposed. Firstly, the selected multiscale feature layer is merged with the scale-invariant convolutional layer through the feature pyramid network structure; at the same time, the multiscale feature map is separately converted into the channel number using the scale-invariant convolution kernel. Then, the obtained two sets of pyramid-shaped feature layers are further feature fused to generate a set of enhanced multiscale feature maps, and the scale-invariant convolution is performed again on these layers. Finally, the obtained layer is used for detection and localization. The final location coordinates and confidence are output after nonmaximum suppression. Experimental results on the Pascal VOC 2007 and 2012 datasets confirm that there is a 8.2% improvement in mAP compared to the original SSD and some existing algorithms.
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