Impact of the 340B Pharmacy Program on Services and Supports for Persons Served by Hemophilia Treatment Centers in the United States

Purpose Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) provide integrated and comprehensive services to individuals affected with rare bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia and Von Willebrand disease. Through the 340 Drug Pricing Program, HTCs may use pharmacy income to support clinical staff and patient services. The objective of this study was to describe the impact of the 340B program funding on services and support provided by HTCs to persons affected by rare bleeding disorders. Description Federally designated comprehensive HTCs with established 340B programs were invited to participate in a mailed survey in 2014. Participants were requested to report on 340B program-funded staff and services in the calendar year 2013. Assessment The 31 of 37 HTCs responding served over 10,000 individuals, or one-third of the national HTC patient population. The majority of responding HTCs reported that 340B program income supported over 90% of staff such as nurses, social workers, and physical therapists. Conclusion The results from this survey of 31 centers with established programs demonstrates the HTCs’ reliance on 340B program support for vital comprehensive services, that are otherwise non-reimbursable, and highlights the importance of the 340B program in sustaining the high quality of care and in increasing access for a geographically dispersed, medically vulnerable population.
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