electric toothbrush versus a hi lh-frequency electric toothbrush in the treatment of lin livitis

Summary ObJectives. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of an osc)((at)n~Jlpu(sat)n~J power toothbrush (Ora(-B Profess)ona(Care TM 7000; PC 7000) and a h)~lh-frequency power toothbrush (Ph)hps Son)care ® Ehte®; SE) on the reversal of experimental ~l)n~l)v)t)s. Methods. The study had a random)sed, examiner-blind, spilt-mouth des)~In. After dental prophylaxis, subjects refrained from brush)n~l mandibular teeth for 21 days to allow development of ~l)n~l)v)t)s. Dunn~l a 4-week treatment phase, the n~lht or (eft side of the mouth was brushed with either the PC 7000 or the SE toothbrush as randomly allocated. Plaque and ~l)n~l)v)t)s were assessed at base(me (Day 0), after 21 days of no oral hy~l)ene, and after I, 2 and 4 weeks of brush)n~l twice daily. G)n~l)va( abrasion was assessed at Day 0 and after I, 2 and 4 weeks of product use. Results. Of 38 enrolled subjects, 35 provided eva(uab(e data. The expenmenta((y induced ~l)n~l)v)t)s (EIG) phase resulted in h)~lher b(eed)n~l and plaque scores as compared to Day 0. Dunn~l the treatment phase, plaque and b(eedm~J scores were s)~In)flcant(y lower with the PC 7000 than the SE toothbrush. After 4 weeks of use, the mean plaque scores chan~led from 2.78 (Day 21 of EIG phase) to 0.70 for the PC 7000 and from 2.67 (Day 21) to 0.88 for the SE. The mean b(eedm~J scores chan~led from 1.86 (Day 21) to 1.24 for the PC 7000 and from 1.88 (Day 21) to 1.42 for the SE. No major differences were found between brushes with re,lard to ~Jm~J)va( abrasion. Conclusions. The osc)((at)n~llpu(sat)n~l power toothbrush (Ora(-B Profess)ona(Care 7000) was more effective than the h)~lh-frequency power toothbrush (Ph)hps Son)care Ehte) at plaque removal and improvement of ~l)n~l)va( condition, with no ~Ireater potential for caus)n~l ~l)n~l)va( abrasion. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. A(( n~lhts reserved.
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