Soil Depth and Changes in Dry Mass and Competitive Intensity of Two C 4 Grasses

The presence of grassland biomes and species cannot be predicted by examining bottom up causes such as precipitation and temperature. Top down causes including herbivory and fire seem to be major controlling aspects with other factors secondary. We examined soil depth and competitive ability of two North American C4 grasses in a greenhouse experiment. Changes in dry mass were determined and competitive intensity was calculated for both species. Species were grown separately or together in pots 30, 90, or 180 cm deep. When grown in monoculture, Schizachyrium scoparium total and belowground dry mass increased from the 30 to 90 cm depth, with no further significant increase from 90 to 180 cm. Aboveground dry mass did not increase significantly with depth. Total dry mass of Buchloe dactyloides increased significantly with depth when grown in monoculture. Aboveground dry mass increased from 30 to 90 cm depth but not from 90 to 180 cm. Belowground dry mass of B. dactyloides did not increase significantly with depth. In 180 cm pots, 53% of S. scoparium root dry mass was in the top 30 cm; 74% of B. dactyloides root dry mass was in the top 30 cm. Roots of B. dactyloides were not found deeper than 90 cm. Aboveground dry mass of S. scoparium was not different in mixture or monoculture at any depth. Buchloe dactyloides aboveground dry mass in mixture was significantly lower than monoculture at the 30 cm depth, but not at 90 or 180 cm. The greatest competitive intensity was in the shallow soil pots. Soil depth could partially explain mosaics found in C4 grasslands where both species were found together with S. scoparium on deeper soils and B. dactyloides on shallower soils.
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