Performansi Morfo-agronomis Pada Padi Galur Mutan Generasi (M4) Hasil Radiasi Sinar Gamma

Abstrak . Tanaman padi Terdiri dari 16 galur sebagai perlakuan dan terdiri 3 kelompok sebagai ulangan. Masing-masing unit perlakuan diambil sampel sebanyak 5 individu tanaman. Peubah yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, umur padi berbunga, jumlah malai per rumpun, panjang malai, berat malai per rumpun, persentase gabah bernas per rumpun, persentase gabah hampa per rumpun, berat 1000 butir, indeks panen dan potensi hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan genotipe padi mutan generasi M 4 berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman yang diamati berdasarkan peubah tinggi tanaman umur 30, 60, 90 HST,umur tanaman berbunga dan pada saat panen jumlah malai per rumpun, panjang malai, berat bernas, berat 1000 butir, indeks panen dan potensi hasil. Galur padi mutan menunjukkan pertumbuhan hasil yang berbeda dengan tanaman induknya sambay. Galur Unsyiah 11 (UF5) menunjukkan genotipe dengan potensi hasil yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan dengan genotipe induk dan genotipe lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil iradiasi sinar gamma M 4 menunjukkan adanya perbedaan nilai antar tanaman induk sambay dengan galur lainnya. Morpho-agronomic Performance on Mutant Strain Rice Generation (M 4 ) The Result of Gamma Ray Radiation Abstract . Rice crops planted in a field with soil entisol type by using organic fertilizer i.e. manure which is given a week before planting and chemical fertilizer formed of  NPK that is given at the age of the plant 30 days after the day of planting (DAP). The experimental design used non factorial randomized block design. There were 16 strains as treatment and 3 groups as replicates. Each of the treatment unit was sampled as many as 5 individual plants. The variables observed were plant height, number of tillers, age of flowering rice, number of panicles per hill, panicle length, panicle weight per hill, percentage of pithy grain per hill, percentage of empty grain per hill, weight of 1000 grains, harvest index and yield potential. The results showed that genotypes of M4 mutant rice generation had significant effect on growth and yield of plants which observed based on plant height variable 30, 60, 90 DAP, age of flowering rice, and number of panicle per hill at the harvest time, panicle length, pithy rice, weight of 1000 grains, harvest index and yield potential. The mutant rice strains showed different growth results with the parent plant. The Unsyiah 11 (UF5) strain is a genotype with higher yield potential compared to the host genotype and other genotypes. Based on the result of M4 gamma ray radiation showed there is adifference between sambay parent plants with other strains.
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