Review of mathematical modeling for evaluation of SVE applications

Soil vapor extraction (SVE), a demonstrated technology, enhances the removal of volatile chemicals from the subsurface through application of a vacuum at an extraction well to induce air flow through the subsurface toward the well. As of 1991, SVE comprised 13% of selected remedies at Superfund sites, and approximately 7% of leaking underground storage tanks. The flow of air enhances volatilization of compounds from the residual NAPL phase in soil pores and from the dissolved phase in soil pore water. The technology is particularly applicable to relatively volatile organic compounds (Henry`s law constant > 10{sup -3} atm-m{sup 3}/mole) residing in the vadose zone. The technology may also be applicable for removal of volatile light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) floating on the water table or entrained in the capillary fringe, if the chemicals of concern have high vapor pressures. Effective design and prediction of system performance can be difficult, depending on site conditions. Tools are now available, in the form of numerical models, that allow one to both screen for the potential feasibility of SVE, and design and estimate performance of the system. While modeling should not be considered an end in itself, it provides a means by which to quantifymore » some of the important SVE operating processes. Modeling can provide estimated answers for numerous questions concerning the feasibility and usage of SVE. Screening models can be used in conjunction with site characterization data and best professional judgment to determine the potential feasibility of SVE at a contaminated site. Flow and transport models can then be used to enhance the system design process and estimate performance. The work performed as part of this effort included a review of models that can be applied to SVE applications. This review includes a summary of critical information required in a SVE application. It also includes a model selection process, model usage guidelines, and case studies.« less
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